Monday, February 28
i cant tag !but its ok !eileen !yxin misses yoo !happy missing me !jeanette!lubbing yoo - (:
drummer princess departed20:25
im His beautiful lil princess ! (:i love him because he first loved me !the beloved speaks tday !the beloved wants her family t stay healthy and well n stop attacking me with sudden pains !cos it hurts t see u in pain !it really hurts ..the beloved wants figo back no matter where he is right now ! )':i wanna hold him in my arms now and till the end of time -i miss his presence !and the beloved misses daddy ! and longs for him !yxin dnt want daddy t be alone in the isolated island in the middle of the vast indian ocean ! ):i enjoyed service with wling dexxy cynny ah ma denise ! (:i love DARE n tcher issac !im thankful for them !GLUE !GodLovesUsExtravagantly-a song t sing ! (:thank you for the world so sweet oh hum !thank you for the food we eat yum yum !thank you for the birds tht sing-a-ling-a-ling !thank you God for everything AMEN ! (:i cant get the song off my head ! (:if all the kelleroids were champions and winners.oh what a day it would be !standing aside with your arms open wide.ahahahahahahahahahahif all the kelleroids were champions and winners.oh what a day it would be !Joy to the worldall the keller girlsJoy to the monkey of macritchieJoy to you and me KELLER ! (:
Wednesday, February 23
oh yes. finally my computer is in working conditions. haha. and i can blog and change skin ! yay. haix. my dad just dumped the dog yesterday and he was found at the rubbish dump ! so sickening ! how can i not be angry with him ! even if i tried t be nice but im still not tht sickening t be a hypocrite and show tht im not when im really pissed ! :/ doesnt he even care about the dog ?! he is my darling n how can i be unmoved when he is dumped ?! even my mom cried. im scared ! my mom might contact stomach ulcer ! i hate this. haix. let the favour be upon figo n mummy ! prays hard- yxin wishes and wishes tht all her wishes are coming true. :
drummer princess departed21:32
Wednesday, February 16

my darling sister and i

drummer princess departed11:53
Wednesday, February 9
i cant stand my blog la. so troublesome. once its done and aft a few weeks and its screwed. and why is my parents being so fed up with me on new year's day ?! and they were like how happy with me a moment ago. i just cant satnd the biaseness agn. but obviously if i said they are being biase ill just get shot back what. i'll just shut up dont u thinnk ? nvrm. i have peace ! i shall continue being thermostat for now ! yes ! (: and i got my very own digicam ! haha. happy happy. shall NOTbe bothered with all the nonsence things tht makes me upset for now ! concentrae on collecting money ! haha. my blog is so screwed ! im gonna change ! yes ! and i'll need help ! haha. anyone willing so i dont have t like bother it for a while cos this yr's really whacking me with loads of stuff stuck in my lil schedule ! ): BUSY !
drummer princess departed10:04